Wednesday 5 September 2012

30/08/12 Chelford to Luckington

What a contrast in days! After an uncertain start, the day brought beautiful sunshine, it was a comfortable day after a long day in the rain the day before and we ended up at Sue's yard at Luckington. Sue offered us to stay another day and gave me some advice about feeding Cognac, she had a degree in horse management and therefore could explain to me the inside workings of Cognac's stomach and gut, as a result I have slightly changed his feed regime, which appears to have helped. I stayed on Sue's sofa and Cognac stayed in the first night then had a grassy paddock at the front of the yard.

On our day off there was a lot of horses that needed exercising so Sue offered me a horse to ride and showed me around Badminton Estate on horseback! That's not something you get to do every day!

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