We rode from Cannock to Jackie's, it was a pretty uneventful day, country lanes, a few busy A road crossings. We stopped for lunch on a patch of grass in the middle of a housing estate and being in a busy area I had to tie Cognac up outside a public toilet as I was desperate to go! We also rode passed the actual real Royal Oak along the Monarch's Way, although when I rung Jez to tell him he wouldn't believe me and was less than impressed! I also had a moment when I very nearly lost my pony! We stop for an afternoon break down a bridleway and it was so hot I lay down on the grass and shaded my eyes from the sun. Cognac was grazing loose not far away when "clip clop, clip clop" I opened my eyes and he was calmly but purposefully walking back off up the track! I thought back to try and remember if we had come through a gate at the top of the track or whether there was the possibility I would be following him all the way back to Cannock, when he stopped. He had just wanted a drink and had remembered that there was a puddle a few hundred yards back, once he was done he resumed grazing, blinking up at me with his big eyes, would I ever leave you...
Jackie was so lovely and it was great to meet her daughter too, who had just returned home after a stint abroad. Cognac had a big feed and went out in the lushest grass I have ever seen for the night. Jackie had set up her husband's fishing bed in the back of her lorry for me and had provided me with hot water and tea and squash and chocolate biscuits, in case i got hungry or thirsty overnight- which was impossible after I had had plenty to eat and drink in her kitchen before I went to bed!
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